7 Famous Indian Dishes You Must Try

A melting pot of cultures and traditions, India is a paradise for anyone looking for gastronomic adventures. Each state in India offers its own unique delicacies that you will find elsewhere, even in restaurants! Skyscanner brings you a variety of delicious foods from all over the world.

From Kashmiri Chaman Qaliya to Bihari Litti-Chokha, these rare dishes deserve a place on the menu for all eateries.

1. Makke Di Roti and Sarson Da Saag, Punjab

Makke di roti and Sarson da saag are traditional Punjabi cuisine but are popular and enjoyed throughout India. Raw sauce (saag) is made from raw mustard (sarso), spinach, fenugreek, herbs, and spices. The sauce is served with flatbread made from corn, called Make di roti. Usually prepared during the winter months, parts of Makki di Roti and Sarson da Saag do not end without the butter doll and the brown sugar doll on the side.

2. Puranpoli, Maharashtra

This delicious dish comes from the Maharashtrian culture and is made from flexible flour filled with dal and jaggery (sugar cane raw). The flatbread is cooked in a pan (tawa) until golden brown. Each Maharashtrian family has its own special recipe for Puranpoli and the preparation varies from region to state. For example, in the Konkan crust, crushed coconut is added to the filling, which is rarely used in any other way.

3. Mass Mach Poora, Mizora

If you like seafood, this Mizo dish is made for you. Misa Mach Poora (or Grilled Shrimp) is a dish often cooked by roasting or roasting shrimp on banana leaves placed over hot coals. Shrimp are seasoned with local spices and served with hot rice. The simple simplicity of the vessel is what makes such a comfort to the soul.

4. Chamani Qaliya, Kashmir

Chamani Qaliya is a Kashmiri dish made with paneer (cottage cheese), milk, curd and spices. The sauce is infused with a delicate flavor of Kashmiri spices, but the real essence of the dish is in the cooking utensils. Kashmiris use pottery to give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

5. Unidhiyu, Gujarat

Made from almost every imaginable vegetable, Unidown is a opular Gujarat dish. Curry is a combination of eggplant, peas, potatoes, purple yams, green beans and other seasonal vegetables, all cooked on low heat until smooth. Not only full of nutritious food and beauty, Undhiyu is traditionally made upside down in clay pots, heated up!

6. Bhutte Ka Kees, Madhya Pradesh

Bhutte ka kees is a popular street food from Madhya Pradesh, especially Indore, famous for its caat and milk confectionery. Minced corn is simply cooked with spices and then boiled in milk. This delicious meal is simple, healthy and very satisfying.

7. Bisibelebhath, Karnataka

Bisibelebhath is a sour and spicy dish from South India made with rice, lentils, vegetables, and spices such as nutmeg, curry leaves, and tamarind pulp. A completely nutritious meal by itself, Bisibelebhath is served hot with curd and papad.

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  1. Very good work.
    Maheshwari sir u r doing a good job.
    Hope u sky's the limits.!!!
    A big amount of cheers.

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